Extended Stays in Vegas

If you want to stay in Vegas for a few weeks or a couple of months, you have 2 options:

1 – changing hotel every few days according to the best offer you find, being prepared to look for in downtown Vegas deals (or off-Strip) during high-traffic times.  We do this often and it can be fun, though you will ‘waste’ some time moving, for which reason renting a car during your stay is probably best.

2 – looking for a good place where extended stays (weekly or even monthly) are possible.  There are a large number of options, ranging from low quality-low-service to decent and pleasant.  We have driven around Vegas quite a bit lately checking a few of these options.  If you intend to stay near a resort, 2 decent options are Budget Suites and Emerald Suites (a very popular chain throughout the United States).   We have noticed other decent options, such as near Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (but there are extended stays options pretty much near the majority of Vegas resorts), but here we’re focusing on the first 2 in that they are common chains and, sooner or later, you will find yourself considering them, especially if you seek extended stays.

We have made a video of these 2 options, highlighting the atmosphere, its outside and the surrounding area, as well as their proximity to a ‘real resort’, and we hope the video can be of use:  it’s our Budget & Emerald Suites Extended Stays in Vegas

If you need it, we can write a list of ‘dos and don’ts’ when you are considering extended stays in Vegas.  Don’t hesitate to ask any questions.

Affordable Vegas Downtown Hotel Options